
Every day we see the power of community: bringing together individuals who want to overcome a barrier with those who want to help out.

Our volunteers get as much from the process as do participants.

There’s a wide age-range of people sharing their talents via our charitable societies, from students through to retirees, and all sorts of skills and backgrounds. What’s common is people sharing something they love – access to leisure, social or employment opportunities – and a belief that communities can be fair and accessible. Contact us to talk more about opportunities.

Group of hikers walking with a TrailRider on a cliff side.

Join our volunteer family and choose the right volunteer opportunity for you.

People posing in two person kayak.

View our volunteer calendar to find a volunteer job and sign up.

Hikers walking across the Capilano Suspension Bridge with a TrailRider.

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter and receive updates on our volunteer program.

For more information about volunteering, please contact Sheryl Newman, Volunteer Management Coordinator at volunteer@disabilityfoundation.org or by phone at (778) 945-8823.

The Disability Foundation and its affiliated societies comply with COVID-19 protocols as determined by the provincial health authorities (e.g., BC: https://www.worksafebc.com/en/covid-19). Our workers and volunteers will follow such protocols and must be vaccinated to work with and within our organizations (offices, program locations, and home visits), unless a medical exemption is in place. To protect our workers and volunteers, we expect our clients and partners to comply with COVID-19 health and safety regulations which means fully vaccinated unless there is a medical exemption. 

Thank you for making everyone’s health and safety the top priority.