“Love Life!”
We are extremely grateful for our summer volunteer, Melodia Marcantonio, for her beaming cheerfulness and friendliness! And, of course, her help with the British Columbia Mobility Opportunities Society (BCMOS)’s kayaking and the Adaptive Sailing Association of BC (ASABC)’s sailing programs.
Melodia is a self-employed bookkeeper who donates her time to our program clients with disabilities at False Creek and Jericho Beach. Her responsibilities consist of helping out on land with tasks like rigging boats at ASABC and kayaking along with paddling clients at BCMOS.
Helping out with our societies has quickly become a family affair. Melodia was recruited as a volunteer last year by her son’s girlfriend who had enjoyed working at ASABC. She loved the opportunity to do some good! Not only did Melodia sign up as a volunteer, but she got her daughter to work with the adaptive sailing program last summer as a Land Coordinator as well! She has already talked her husband into volunteering, but of course it’s always tough to find some downtime to donate, especially during a busy year.
Impressed with her experience last summer (the first time she’s volunteered – ever!), Melodia is looking forward to spending her days on the water and under the sun again this year. As someone who also deals with anxiety, getting out of her office and using this time as a little break from the stress of life is another bonus.

What Melodia takes from this experience is that life goes on. We can’t let certain things affect us to the extent that we let it stop us from having fun. Seeing a lot of smiles and hearing a lot of laughs at the end of a kayaking/sailing day is a good reminder of our collective resilience.
For Melodia, meeting all these people is very rewarding. As a friendly person who loves getting to know others, learning about each individual’s personality is what drives her to continue her volunteering. Plus, there really isn’t anything quite like spending your days admiring a picturesque view at the beach, and being able to move around in the water.
Interested in getting outside this summer and trying something new? Join friendly and active individuals like Melodia by becoming a volunteer with our summer programs! There’s something for everyone, no matter your time commitment.
Learn more and sign up by emailing volunteer@disabilityfoundation.org.